Software Document Automation:
A Technical Overview

1.0 Introduction

Documentation is an integral part of the software-development process. Software documentation is an organized collection of written materials that help people understand the software's: Therefore, software documentation tends to be closely coupled with information in the software-engineering tools that addresses these areas.

Software developers in many industries produce software documentation, either for internal use or for customers as a deliverable. In some cases, software documentation is used to prove conformance to externally imposed safety, certification, or regulatory standards.

Analysis and design tools, programming environments, and testing tools are some of the many software-development tools used that contain information that can become part of software documentation. For example, the programming environment may contain information about the code that defines the names and number of sections in a document. Tools may also contain graphics and text that can be included in the documentation. The software-development tools, however, seldom contain all of the information necessary for the documentation. Explanations and other annotations usually must be added to the final documentation.

If you need to create software documentation automatically and flexibly while maintaining consistency with your software-development tools and processes, SoDA(TM) is your solution.

SoDA's unique capabilities provide you with automatic extraction of the information present in the software-engineering tools, while giving you a high degree of flexibility in customizing your documents and maintaining their consistency with the software-engineering tools.

SoDA makes good software documentation easier to create and maintain. Its unique approach preserves the advantages--and eliminates the disadvantages--of traditional approaches.


2.0 Traditional Approaches to Software Documentation

The Manual Approach

Producing software documentation manually often results in inconsistent and incomplete documents be-cause engineering information is always changing during the course of software development. Furthermore, manual documentation is very labor intensive and error-prone. As the complexity of software grows, organizations have an increasing need to automate and consistently maintain software documentation that captures the entire software-development process.

The manual process for documenting software normally begins with writing text from scratch or cutting and pasting information from software-engineering tools. To ensure that the document is correct in form and content, you or others review the document and then edit it, repeating this cycle until publication.

Manual document production has the advantage of being flexible, because you have complete control over the document's appearance and content. However, this process quickly becomes overwhelming because it provides no tool support for incorporating information from other sources such as software-engineering or CASE tools.

When the information from engineering tools changes, you must manually insert sections of the document and/or cut-and-paste from the tools to the document. Not only is this process very laborious, but you have no way of knowing when you need to make changes to your document, because there are no automated consistency checks between the document and engineering tools. Therefore, your document quickly becomes inconsistent with the software.

The Conventional Automated Approach

Conventional document generators attempt to solve the problems of the manual approach by automatically pulling text and graphics from tools that address software requirements, analysis, design, code, tests, and so on. The conventional automated documentation process begins with generating the document's text as a batch process guided by templates. As before, you or other reviewers evaluate the document for correctness and then you edit it for final form.

Conventional tools for automated document generation appear to reduce the effort required to produce documents because they reduce reliance on cut-and-paste operations and enforce standard formats. However, they also introduce a new set of problems:

Consequently, the flexibility of the manual approach is lost because control over the document content and appearance resides in the generation tool, not in the document. Furthermore, your document easily becomes outdated because it is too laborious to both regenerate and reedit every time the software changes.


3.0 SoDA's Documentation Process

Pushing the Boundaries of Traditional Approaches

Although manual and conventional automated approaches to software documentation each have advantages, they also have disadvantages that are largely prohibitive to implementing a high-quality, efficient documentation process that covers the entire lifecycle. While the manual approach is flexible, but not automated, the conventional automated approach forfeits flexibility in favor of automation. With SoDA, you don't have to choose.

The engineering tools used throughout the software-development cycle contain relevant information that becomes a major part of software documentation. In fact, software documents often have structures that mirror information in the engineering tools. For example, nested document sections are often used to document nested design components. The engineering tools may also contain graphics and text that should be included in the document as well, but they seldom contain all the information that must be in the document. The very purpose of documentation is to discuss relationships between components of the system and to expand on the roles played by key components.

The engineering tool-derived information and document-specific information tend to be interspersed at a very fine level of granularity. Therefore, the optimal solution should provide automatic extraction of information from software-engineering tools while allowing additional information to be entered directly into the document--with a publishing tool that is well suited to the task. SoDA accomplishes this by combining aspects of both the manual and conventional automated approaches--the flexibility of a sophisticated publishing tool with the automation of an intelligent document-generating tool. SoDA allows you to:

The current version of your document is always the starting point for the next version. Thus, SoDA documents are living documents, not just snapshots of text and graphics scattered around a CASE tool.

4.0 Product Overview

SoDA produces higher-quality, more useful documents with less time and effort by providing the following capabilities:

Increase Quality and Reduce Effort throughout the Software Lifecycle

SoDA provides a complete lifecycle solution for software document automation. It works with all kinds of software-engineering tools--such as CASE tools, programming-environment tools, test tools--to extract information that already exists in the information repositories of these tools. Using SoDA, you can produce a wide variety of documents that are relevant throughout the software-development cycle (such as requirements documents, design documents, test documents, problem tracking reports, configuration management documents, requirements-traceability reports, and so on). Producing all these documents with the same tool reduces learning time and provides greater consistency and traceability between documents.

Select Your Choice of Tools for Extracting Information

SoDA's product configuration includes a base SoDA product, and a choice of standard SoDA source-integration domains. The base product contains the core SoDA functionality (information extraction and document generation). The source domains integrate SoDA with software-engineering tools such as CASE tools, programming environments, and testing tools. These source domains allow mapping from the SoDA document templates to the information sources (software-engineering tools).

SoDA can be integrated with a variety of software-engineering tools, as long as those tools provide an API.

SoDA comes with certain standard information source domains. If you need other domains, Rational Software Corporation can build additional source domains on demand. We will work with you to define the integration requirements, and we will be responsible for developing and maintaining the new domains.

Access Distributed Information

A single SoDA document can contain information extracted from multiple sources. There is no artificial limit to the number of information sources you can use to create a document, and no restriction on the types of information sources, beyond that they run on UNIX and provide access to their data. This capability allows you to collate distributed information from separate tools without requiring that those tools be integrated to each other. For example, SoDA can extract information from an analysis and design tool, a programming environment, and a test-management tool to automatically create a document that provides a concise picture of your software-development status and plans.

Keep Documents Useful and Consistent

Traditional software documentation has a short life span because it quickly becomes out of synch with the software development. SoDA keeps your software documents in synch with your software development by checking for consistency between the documents and the information sources. It verifies the consistency of the document to source tools when you regenerate. In addition, SoDA can generate reports that list changes, additions, and modifications of information relative to the source tools. Hypertext links in the consistency reports allow you to traverse to the related document section or source-tool location.

SoDA allows you to navigate between any generated document section and the information source it is extracted from so that you can make or review changes in the engineering tool and regenerate affected sections of the document to reflect the changes in the information source.

Quickly Customize Documents to Meet Your Needs

SoDA can quickly customize your documents using a WYSIWYG graphical user interface--eliminating the need for dedicated and expensive programming resources.

SoDA allows you to create a variety of document templates to support software-documentation needs across your organization. It provides an easy-to-use, intuitive graphical user interface for creating document templates. These templates define the look and feel of the document (including formatting, structure, style and so on) as well as the mapping of document elements to the information source models where the information is extracted. SoDA can create document templates quickly that conform to software-documentation standards such as DOD 2167A and ISO9000, or you can customize them to meet any of your internal documentation standards.

SoDA templates determine the type of information to be extracted from tool sources and define how the information appears in your document. SoDA templates are easily edited with the WYSIWYG editor, using pull-down menus and dialog boxes instead of programming or markup languages.

Preserve Supplemental Information from Generation to Generation

SoDA's technology for Intelligent Document Merging(TM) is the key to its flexible process. It allows you to add supplemental information directly into the document, instead of adding unformatted annotations to the engineering tools. For example, SoDA can generate a design document from a CASE tool. Although most of the document can be generated from information in the CASE tool, you'll need additional information to provide context, transition, and additional detail. SoDA allows you to enter this supplemental information directly into the document. When data in the CASE tool changes, the document becomes dated. Traditional approaches would require you to generate an entirely new document, and manually cut-and-paste information from the prior version. SoDA's Intelligent Document Merging merges the new information from the CASE tool into your existing document.

Regenerate Documents Incrementally

Information in a document typically comes from one of two places: Thus, the updating and editing of SoDA documents normally takes place within both the publishing tool and the source engineering tools. Information that was entered directly into the document is modified using the publishing tool. Information that originated from data in the engineering tools is normally modified with the engineering tool and updated in the document by SoDA. SoDA makes it easier to identify and to traverse to data in engineering tools by highlighting fields and providing hypertext traversal into the engineering tools.

When changes are made in the engineering tools, SoDA's incremental regeneration allows you to quickly bring your document up to date. Simply select the pertinent portion of the document, and tell SoDA to regenerate. SoDA does only the work necessary to generate the selected portion of the document, eliminating the high overhead of batch operations in traditional approaches.

Sophisticated Capabilities Bundled with State-of-the-Art Publishing Features

SoDA automates the generation of documents without sacrificing advanced publication features.

Traditional tools for document automation force you to author your document by entering annotations in CASE tools, or entering PDL in the software code. This information is then extracted to create a document that is exported to a publishing tool. With this approach you are restricted to using the publishing tool for final-form editing only.

SoDA allows you to use your tools for their intended purpose. Software-engineering information is maintained by your software-engineering tools and additional information is maintained in the document itself. Because SoDA allows you to enter text and graphics directly into the document, it's easy to see the flow of information as you write. This results in more readable documents. With SoDA you get all the extra features--graphics, tables, spell checking, cut-and-paste, change bars, font selections, and more--that you expect of a sophisticated publishing tool.

SoDA is built on FrameBuilder, a state-of-the-art desktop-publishing tool. Frame's guided-editing features help users comply with the defined structure of the document, resulting in consistent, manageable documents. These same features aid in compliance with SGML--a standard for document content. SoDA supports import and export of SGML documents, as well as documents from other popular publishing tools.

SoDA provides an unequaled solution for software documentation by combining sophisticated document automation with advanced publishing features.

Trace Your Software Requirements from Design to Test

SoDA supports requirements traceability across the software lifecycle for tracking software-development progress, thereby ensuring that requirements are being satisfied.

SoDA allows you to create or import existing requirements documents, and assists you in allocating system requirements to software requirements, as well as allocating software requirements to design elements, test elements, and so on. Once these allocations have been made, SoDA automatically generates requirements-traceability tables to show you where requirements have been satisfied. SoDA will even create an inverted table for you, providing an alternative perspective on requirements satisfaction.

Hypertext links allow you to traverse from the generated requirements tables to referenced sections of the documents, and then to the software-engineering tools that describe the requirements/design.


5.0 The SoDA Process

Specifying the Mapping

Using SoDA's graphical user interface, which understands source tools, you first specify mapping between document structure and information sources. SoDA then automatically generates documents by extracting relevant data from the information sources. Using the publishing tool, you can enter supplemental information that will be preserved in future versions as documents evolve with the engineering information. SoDA allows you not only to move easily between documents and information sources to review or make changes but also to regenerate documents to reflect the changes.

Like many other word-processing or publishing tools, SoDA document generation begins with a template. Using the template as a pattern for format and content, SoDA extracts information from the sources. To generate your first document you can:

The directions SoDA needs to extract information from your software-engineering tools is included in the template.

Document content and format is defined in the template through a combination of boilerplate text, text input prompts, and directions to extract information from source tools. These directions are queries to source tools defined with pull-down menus and dialog boxes. Tools that are integrated to SoDA are the sources from which content is generated. SoDA produces document sections or subsections for each source item based on the results of a query. Text queries result in text in your document, and graphic queries result in diagram inclusion.

SoDA extends the FrameBuilder user interface to provide dialogs that establish the mapping between document templates and the information sources they reference. These dialogs understand the information models of the source tools. Users map documents to sources by selecting from context-sensitive option menus. Queries corresponding to the user's selections are stored in the document itself.

SoDA provides three basic types of queries:

Allow information source attributes to be inserted anywhere in the document. Fields can be either text or graphics.
Cause document section structure to be copied according to the number of items found in the information source.
Cause document sections to be included or excluded, depending on the value(s) of one or more item attributes.
SoDA allows fields, replicators, and stipulators to be nested inside one another so that very fine-grained document mappings can be established.

Generating Documents

There are two parts to generating a specific document, the automatic operations performed by SoDA, and the normal publishing-tool operations performed by the user.

SoDA provides a generate function that interprets the queries stored in a SoDA template.

After generation, the document contains prompts where additional documentation is required to complete the document. You fill in the prompts by: In addition, you can modify the format of generated items by:

Reviewing Documents

After each document generation you can review SoDA documents for overall clarity, consistency, and readability. The following options are available to assist in reviewing SoDA documents:

Navigating between Tools

SoDA has extensive traversal capabilities, allowing you to navigate quickly from an item in the document to the tool containing the source of that item. SoDA maintains links to the source location of each generated item (field) in the document. These links allow you to easily traverse to the source of any generated item. Fields are highlighted, so that you can easily identify what portions of the document are linked to outside tools. You can also create hypertext links between SoDA documents that allow you to reference and easily traverse to other documents and other locations in the same document.


The key to SoDA's flexibility is the ability to repeat the process of generating, editing, and reviewing any number of times, without losing the information that was entered locally with the publishing tool. This is accomplished through Intelligent Document Merging, as discussed previously.

During generation, fields are updated and replicators are reevaluated. When the information source contains new items, corresponding new document sections are added. If an item is deleted from the information source, its corresponding document section is deleted.

Existing document sections whose corresponding items are still in the information source are retained in the document, as well as any text or graphics that have been added.


Since SoDA is built on top of the FrameBuilder WYSIWYG publishing tool, publishing your document is simple--just print it. For classified projects, SoDA supports security classifications on a page-by-page basis. SoDA can also support electronic delivery requirements. It provides numerous filters for exporting your document to other popular formats. It also allows export to SGML, a standard for electronic document delivery.

Using Configuration Management and Version Control

SoDA has an integrated operations menu for common configuration management and version control (CMVC) operations, allowing you to seamlessly invoke your configuration-management tool from within your document. By keeping SoDA under the control of your configuration-management tool, you ensure that your documents are synchronized with your software development. SoDA supports the following common CMVC operations: When a document is checked in using SoDA, it automatically becomes read-only, and vice-versa.

SoDA allows large documents to be broken down into component documents. Each component document can be assigned to different individuals so that groups of people can work on the same document without interfering with one another. SoDA can even replicate component documents in the same way that it replicates sections of documents. This allows you to design your document templates with built-in scalability.


6.0 Summary

SoDA allows you to create more accurate documents with less effort. It automates the routine, tedious, and error prone tasks, allowing you to concentrate on the creative ones.

The key SoDA differentiators are the ability to make modifications in the document with the publishing tool, coupled with the capability to develop documents iteratively, side-by-side with the system itself. The end result is a documentation tool that provides efficient automation while preserving the flexibility of manually produced documents.

Specifically, SoDA provides the following benefits:

SoDA allows you to produce higher-quality documentation at less cost.

7.0 System Requirements

We suggest the following hardware and software configuration when using SoDA.

Item Requirement


Sun SPARC series
32 Mb of RAM
Disk space:
100 Mb


Operating system:
SunOS 4.1.x
Swap space:
50 Mb
X Window system:
MIT X11R4 or X11R5
Window manager:
OSF/Motif 1.2

TO-10A; last updated 10/2/95